Surgeons and Anaesthetists
Mr Robert Jensen, Urological Surgeon, North Tas Urology
Urological Surgeon CEO, North Tas Day Hospital
Mr Philip Tan, Urological Surgeon, North Tas Urology
Urological Surgeon
Consultant Anaesthetist
BSc (Hons) BMed Sc MBBS (Hons) FACRRM JCCA Anaesthetist
Visiting Surgeons
Mr Michael Thomson Bsc MBChB FRACS (Plast) Plastic Surgeon
Mr Mikko Larsen MD(Hons), PhD, FEBOPRAS, FRACS Plastic Surgeon |
Dr Richard Allen BDS Dental Surgeon |
Mr Richard Cetti BSc MBBS FRACS Urological Surgeon |
Mr Daniel Bunker FRACS, MBBS Hons, MS, BE (Aerospace) Hons I, Plastic Surgeon |
Dr Lucy Goold MBBS MMed FRANZCO Ophthalmologist |
Mr Jensen, Mr Tan and visiting surgeons are supported by our Director of Nursing, Amanda Whatley and our team of skilled, experienced and dedicated nursing staff and administration staff, as well as visiting anaesthetists.